The Bad, the Good and the … Dodgy
Following concern expressed at its December 2020 meeting, Sustainable Harwell instigated a census of tree saplings planted along the new Link Road for its opening in March 2018. The news is mixed…
The Bad is that, of the larger specimen ‘standard’ trees, only about 31% have survived. 51% or the smaller ‘whips’ have survived, together with about 85-90% of the eastern hedge.
The Good is that, perhaps in response to pressure from Sustainable Harwell and our current Oxfordshire County Councillor, Mike Fox-Davies, some replanting commenced in late March 2021.
The Dodgy is that a good proportion of these new plants has not been planted or secured in a way which will best ensure their survival through the summer. Many new ‘slips’ remain by the pond on the road’s eastern side, yet to be planted. Work in progress? These must be planted, soon and viably!
Read the report (PDF 9MB)
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