Many thanks to those of you who attended the meeting and for those who were not able to make it for your continued support of Sustainable Harwell. I have attached the meeting minutes and summary notes about each of the five action areas the Group voted to take forward during the summer. Sustainable Harwell Meeting Minutes 02-10-19
As a reminder these were:
- Build new cycle routes and footpaths
- Set up a refill station within Harwell
- Initiate more tree planting within public spaces
- Set up a recycling scheme within Harwell
- Lobby for new-build houses to be more sustainable
The Group decided that we should take forward an offer to set up a mobile refill station as soon as possible, most likely at the Village Hall on a Weds evening. Watch this space for more details on this!
Many other things were discussed and points raised and we have lots to do to get the other ideas off the ground. Do read the notes attached to find out more about what’s happening…
As a reminder there will be a Repair Café operating at St Mathews church on Sat 19th October starting at 14:00. Its great opportunity to take along items that need repair. See attached poster for more details.
Finally the next meeting of Sustainable Harwell will take place in The Cherry Hall on Weds 4th Dec starting at 7:30. All are welcome to get involved so please do come along and join in and encourage everyone to help make Harwell more sustainable.
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