Wild Oxfordshire – The Yellow Wagtail Project
Sustainable Harwell March Meeting, Weds 2nd March, in the Village Hall and starting on-line at 7:30 pm.
Come and join us on Weds 2nd March for the following talk by Dr Robin Buxton and Sophie Cunningham
Wild Oxfordshire – The Yellow Wagtail Project
Wild Oxfordshire is a formal partner (together with the Earth Trust and Church Farm Partnership) in the Yellow Wagtail project which is a landscape scale conservation project aimed at improving the wildlife of all the wet pastures adjoining the river Thames between Clifton Hampden bridge and Shillingford, over four miles of Thames river frontage.
Robin and Sophie will be explaining more about their work and the important information being learnt which is shedding light on the decline of this once abundant little bird.
Before Robin and Sophie’s talk we will also be updating everyone on progress with the ongoing Sustainable Harwell projects including the new Community Orchard at the Rec.
Find out more:
Wild Oxfordshire – The Yellow Wagtail Project
Here is the link to the video of Wild Oxfordshire’s annual lecture by their guest speaker, Professor Sir Dieter Helm.
Books that we also mentioned during the talk were:
If anyone is interesting in looking further into the meat debate, watch Sacred Cow by Diana Rogers who is an American dietitian and environmentalist.
About Robin Buxton (in his own words)
We’ve lived at The Homestead in High Street for 31 years and brought up our 2 boys there – both are now working for environment and countryside, one is a lecturer in Ecology at RAU Cirencester, the other managing a farming estate with a strong conservation theme. My background is with the Earth Trust at Little Wittenham – from first Warden in 1982 to current “Patron” – i.e. they flatter me that they still want my name on their note paper. I was also one of the founders of Wild Oxfordshire, the networking and community conservation support organisation for Oxfordshire. I’ve been a trustee of various other bodies from the County Wildlife Trust, BBOWT to the professional institute for ecologists, CIEEM.
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