7.30 pm Harwell Village Hall (Cherry Hall)
Come and join us in March to hear the following talk by Keith Willis from KW Solar, based at Harwell Campus.
Solar panels and storage batteries in the home
With the price of electricity at the moment you may be interested in making use of the free energy that hits the roof of you house! Solar panels are potentially an attractive proposition for many home owners. Coupled with a home battery they can capture the free solar energy produced during the day and store the power for use at night.
Solar KW are a local supplier of systems based at Harwell campus. Come and hear Keith talk about how the technology could be installed in your home.
We will also be providing an update on the sustainability projects we are running at Sustainable Harwell.
Everyone is welcome and we hope you can make it.
If you’re not able to join us in person, why not join us on Zoom. Please ask for the link to join the meeting:
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