help needed on Sat 15th Feb.
We have now got the go ahead from all parties for the next Sustainable Harwell project which is planting a 700 metre hedgerow to create a new wildlife corridor along the Holloway to the crossing with the Icknield Way. Our first session will be planting an initial 100 metres of whips on top of the small bank on the eastern side of the bridleway.
We hope to get them all planted on Saturday 15th February but could continue planting on the Sunday if necessary.
We need to figure out the best way to plant the whips. The bank is covered in grass so we could remove a strip of grass (like we did for planting whips at the Community Orchard) to make it easier to make a slot for the whips (they will be bare-rooted). Or we could cut the grass as short as possible and then plant through that.
We will go up there and see how easy/difficult it is to get a spade through the grass. Any other suggestions welcome.
Oxfordshire County Council will also be planting some trees within the new hedgerow. These are being provided by them and will be maintained by them. The hedgerow itself will be maintained by the adjacent land owners in the future.
Any advice or offers of help on the day would be much appreciated. Please email us at Sustainable Harwell to let us know you would like to help out. On the day please meet at 10:30 at the bottom of The Holloway and be prepared to get a bit muddy and dress appropriately for the weather. Bring sturdy shoes/boots and warm clothes, gloves and a large fork or spade, small fork and trowel, or anything else you think suitable. If anyone has a bulb planting device then please bring that as that might come in handy.
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