A page with links to sites which may be of interest to members of Sustainable Harwell.
Please use the comment option at the bottom of the page to provide feedback and more useful links, or suggest areas where you would like to find more information.
Climate Action Oxfordshire
A new website offering practical advice for Oxfordshire people wanting to reduce their carbon footprint and save energy went live on 11 July 2022.
Climate Action Oxfordshire – climateactionoxfordshire.org.uk – lists measures people can take and rates them according to effort, impact, and cost. It also gives people an idea of what financial savings they can make and includes tips and links on how to get started.
Electric Vehicle Charging Points
Several sites claim to provide maps of where you can find charging points:
Greater South East Energy Hub
A link to the Oxfordshire Energy Strategy. The page also has information of the Greater South East Energy Hub, which looks to identify and promote local energy projects.
Oxford County Council Waste Wizard
Oxfordshire County Council have launched ‘Waste Wizard’ a new (Jan 2020) initiative to help residents beat the confusion around recycling. Oxfordshire is already the top performing county in the country, recycling 58% of household waste, but there is still more to be done to reduce waste and improve recycling rates. The new online tool will enable anyone bewitched by the bin to type in the name of any item along with their postcode and find out whether it can be repaired, reused, donated, recycled or if it needs to go into a specific bin or can be disposed at a Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Vale of White House District Council
The new Climate Emergency Advisory Committee recommends (mid October 2019) that the council and district aim to become carbon neutral. As a first step, the committee is recommending the council should aim for a 75 per cent reduction in carbon emissions in their own operations by 2025 and a 75 per cent reduction in carbon emissions in the district by 2030.
You can see details on the VoWHDC website.
Understanding Energy Use
As we start to think about community actions that we can take, we all still need to grow our individual actions. Energy use is a key issue for all of us. This BBC quiz helps to understand more about energy and may help you think of new things that you could do.
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